United States Senior Housing Investments

We believe the sector has typically been recession-resilient, and the current demographic trends driving demand are attractive today as the Baby Boomer generation ages. Although average occupancy rates declined to just below 87.0% during the Great Recession, annual net absorption and rent growth was positive. Despite the overall condition of the economy, people still age, get sick, become injured, and require care for disabilities. Senior housing generated annualized total returns that outperformed the broader real estate market over the past ten years through March 31, 2018, a period that cycled through the downturn, and experienced the recovery after the economic downturn. As outlined in below, according to NCREIF, a quarterly index of private commercial real estate properties, senior housing generated annualized total returns of 10.52%, versus 6.09% for the broader NCREIF NPI during this ten-year period.


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United States Senior Housing Investments

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